The Healing Framework

Expressive Arts Therapy (EXA) is a resource-oriented therapeutic approach that helps you integrate all aspects of yourself - the wounds and the light - through the rich landscape of the arts, play and ritual. Each session unfolds intuitively. The "heart" is your experience of improvising through a prism of creative modalities. I help sensitize you into that juicy state of imagination: a truly alternate experience of reality. This is where you'll encounter what's emerging as if it has a magnetic life-force of it's own... wanting to co-create with you. I guide you to trust-and-flow in reciprocity with your intuition. This is the sweet spot where habitual ways of being and mind-paralysis dissolve.  A state of consciousness where you discover the solutions that already live within you.

We explore traditional and non-traditional mediums. Examples of traditional are visual arts like painting, watercolour, pastels as well as poetry, clay, drama, free dance and music. Non-traditional mediums we explore are collage, found material sculpture, free-play, ritual, eco art, mandala making, archetypal embodiment, sound and everything we've yet to imagine! 

I am a certified Expressive Arts Therapist & Registered Therapeutic Counsellor with ACCT.

Your Birthright

    This perspective can change everything: life and art are poetically intwined. The gifts of creative therapy will offer you incredible lived experiences of change where you begin to perceive the two as interconnected living systems. Art then becomes your sacred training ground, showing you how to show up to your everyday life as ensouled with magic and teeming with possibility. You do this through connecting to…

     -   the senses, for beauty 
     -   imagination, for authenticity 
     -   and the Unknown, for hope 

The Healing Space

    All in-person sessions are held at my studio space. The therapeutic space is semi-private (4 walls with curtain at the entrance). It's filled with a prism of arts materials for you to use. Big, bright windows overlook the North Shore mountains. The energy of the room is curated to hold you lovingly as you show up exactly as you are. I walk beside you every step of the way.

1000 Parker Street, East Vancouver
I acknowledge that I work on the stolen lands of Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations. 

The Booking Options



Discovery Call    ~    free

Schedule a free discovery call to connect and explore how the Expressive Arts and I can support you.

Held over Zoom Audio.

1:1 Session / $140    ~    60 minute

Work together with inspired processes in a safe environment. Welcoming all your expressions. Come as you are.

Provided in person or online.

Extended 1:1 / $175    ~    85 minute

Same session, extra time. For those who love to linger in the arts a bit longer (I feel you) or want more support.

Provided in person or online.

My Expertise

    I work with women across all ages, many of whom are attuning to their innate wisdom, pleasure and sovereignty. My clients experience an array of challenges and exceptionalities. Our meaningful therapeutic relationship is built on mutual trust, respect and co-creation. And it's these qualities of connection that support them in flourishing.

My approach is grounded in the core value that by coming home, within ourselves, we might move from self to collective belonging and liberation for all life. Responsibility for a brighter world is at the root of my practice. I work cross-culturally and am skilled in holding diversity and multiplicity in expression.

  ~   mother-daughter dynamic
  ~   caregiver grief
  ~   belonging and betrayal (friendship/romantic)
  ~   pregnancy loss
  ~   psychedelic integration
  ~   substance abuse and recovery

Let's Begin

I currently have space to welcome new clients. Please reach out through email and I will send you an intake form.

Specific questions or curiosities about how Expressive Arts Therapy works or what to expect? -  I offer a free 15 min Discovery Call.